Deep Tissue Massage vs Firm Pressure Massage

What exactly is a “deep tissue massage”?

deep tissue


It is a common misconception that a deep tissue massage is a firm pressure massage.

Slow, gentle deep work is more effective than painful firm pressure.

So what is a deep tissue massage, you ask? Most people believe deep tissue massages are supposed to be painful in order to be beneficial and include very firm/deep pressure. However, the saying, “No pain, no gain” does not always apply in massage therapy. A deep tissue massage actually involves the manipulation of the deeper layers of muscle and soft tissues in the body. It requires the massage therapist to melt into the tissue before reaching deeper layers by warming up the muscles top layer. This type of massage aims at the deeper tissue structures of the muscle and fascia, also called connective tissue. It is a more focused type of massage to release “knots” (which is actually just muscle fibers and tissue) and chronic muscle tension. Deep Tissue Massage helps with headaches, chronic muscular pain, limited mobility and injury rehabilitation. It is especially helpful for chronically tense and contracted areas such as stiff necks or low back tightness. Although this type of massage can be more intense and a little uncomfortable , it should not be painful or excrutiating.

Feel Free to Speak Up During Your Massage Session
Always communicate your goals and needs with me. It is important to let me know how the pressure and intensity of the work is feeling to your body so that I may adapt my pressure and techniques to suit you. I generally incorporate deep tissue work with other massage techniques to provide a customized integrated therapy session for each individual client.

If you are new to massage or sensitive to intense work I suggest the relaxing continuous flowing strokes of the Swedish massage.

Call or message me on my Atoka Massage Therapy Facebook Page to schedule a session. For pricing and options visit my service menu page.

Take care,


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